In drama series For Love Alone (Solo per Amore), Elena and Pietro have a perfect life—before Pietro is kidnapped and the family is dragged into a web of devastating events (pictured). When the Licata family emigrates from Sicily to northern Italy in throwback drama series Fury—The Wind Of Hope (Furore – Il vento della speranza), their lives became entangled with the local figures. Antonio Cicerino moves from the countryside to Rome for a teaching job in a prestigious school in family/drama series High School Days (I Liceali), and encounters arrogant students and apathetic colleagues. Two brave women, Ida and Agnese, stand up to the mafia in 50s drama series My Respects (Baciamo le mani) and face retribution and endless threats. Private Collection offers a glimpse of contemporary art in an intimate setting: the elegant homes of the owners.

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