10-year-old Blinky Bill steps into the role of “Guardian of the Greenpatch” in animated series The Wild Adventures of Blinky Bill. Animated series Nihls Holgersson follows a mischievous elf who transforms into a mini human and gains the ability to speak to animals. Kim, Kylie and Kate are three kind-hearted teenaged pop singers on an adventure-filled world tour in animated series K3. Heidi tells the story of a cheerful eight-year-old who lives with her grandfather in the Swiss Alps adjusts to mountain life in this animated series. Lotus Blossom guides Tashi through a mystical world of giants, ghosts, witches, dragons and demons. The reputation of a group of students changes when they discover a room haunted by the spirits of an old rock band in live-action series Ghost Rockers. Follow the life of 10-year-old Vic, who happens to be the son of a Viking chief, in animated series Vic the Viking.



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