Nowadays, executives in the international entertainment industry not only can get agita from reading Dom Serafini’s “My2¢” editorials in VideoAge Monthly and VideoAge Daily, but they can also listen to them as an Amazon audiobooks: Words of Wisdom: My 2¢ on the Television Biz.
Serafini is the editor of both publications. Out of 630 editorials published throughout VideoAge’s 34 years, Serafini has selected 33 for the audiobook. In his previous collection, he selected 180 “My2¢” editorials, which is available on Amazon as a print book: My 2¢ of Television Biz Wisdom.
The audiobook, like its printed counterpart, is described as “comments, reports and analysis covering every aspects of the U.S. and international entertainment business.” The duration of the audiobook is four hours and 21 minutes, and is divided in seven chapters with topics that range in length from four minutes (“The Golden Globes”) to 18 minutes (“The Economy of the U.S. Studios”).
This collection of “My 2¢” is Serafini’s ninth book and covers entertainment, history, regulations, finance, economics, advertising, piracy, gossip, executives, production, distribution, trade shows, new and old technologies, religion, creativity, various cultures, printed media and common sense.
Television experts and laymen alike will find something to be upset about: yes, just 2¢ of common sense. It is intended to stimulate readers and to dispel the notion that television is an arid topic at the bottom of the intellectual totem pole. As a precaution, it is advisable to read this book before meals in order to avoid indigestion.
VideoAge, “The Business Journal of Television,” publishes a Monthly, now the world’s largest professional international TV trade publication, and VideoAge Daily, the TV trade show market Daily. Both publications are based in New York City. Serafini is also a contributor to publications in the U.S., Canada, and Italy. Before founding VideoAge, Serafini was the International Editor of TV/Radio Age.