With NATPE less than a week away, and everyone hurrying to get things done before they fly out to Miami, Florida, VideoAge decided to touch base with NATPE CEO Rick Feldman to see if there were any late breaking developments. Here’s what he had to say.

VideoAge International: What’s the final count for buyers/sellers?

Rick Feldman: To be honest, in terms of the final count for buyers, we won’t know until the last minute, but I’m going to say we’ll be somewhere between 600 and 750. In terms of distributors, we’ll have around 300 — in suites, on the floor, at meeting tables and at the marina.

We’re trending about the same as last year.

VAI: And there aren’t too many exhibitors in the Tresor Tower like last year [which led to unfortunate elevator delays]?

RF: People will be in all four towers. We took half the companies that were in the Tresor tower and spread them amongst the other towers and the marina, but the largest number of suites are still at the Tresor tower.

The elevator problem will be much alleviated, but you can’t avoid some waits. There are always waits for elevators at NATPE.

VAI: Any other logistical issues you’ve been focusing on?

RF: We’re trying to ensure that only people with badges who paid to register with NATPE get on the floor. We’re doing our best. We can’t keep people out of the lobby, but we do have more security to keep people out of the new Recharge Lounge and out of the bar area.

But part of the responsibility lies on NATPE participants. If sellers are asked by someone who doesn’t have a badge to meet  outside NATPE, we would like them to say, “no, you have to register.”

It’s really immoral and disgusting for people to sneak in, and it only ends up stiffing the people who are paying.

It’s better in Miami than it was in Vegas. In Vegas, people were meeting everywhere. But even in Miami it’s still a problem. It’s a hotel and you can’t lock down a hotel.

VAI: How does the party scene seem this year?

RF: It seems to be the same or more than last year. I keep hearing about more parties.  On Sunday, we have kick-off party at the Raleigh Hotel that’s sponsored by the Greater Miami Convention and Visitors Bureau. Monday night’s Opening Night Cocktail Party party is going to be at the hotel, sponsored by Reality Weekly, Venevision and Yahoo, Tuesday is the Tartikoff Award ceremony, and Wednesday’s the Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce cocktail party at the Eden Roc.

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