Michelle Wasserman, head of International Distribution Programming, Formats & Production Services for Argentina-based Telefe and Mexico-based Comarex/TV Azteca’s CEO Marcel Vinay weigh in on their plans and expectations for NATPE 2011.
VideoAge International: Is Miami Beach a better venue for NATPE than Las Vegas and why?
Michelle Wasserman: We have great expectations about what might happen. But, I’ll be honest, I am afraid for two reasons. One is that Miami is a very big and sprawling city, and that might cause NATPE participants to spread out all over the place or make them difficult to keep track of. On the other hand, Miami is home base for many people in this industry, so that will probably make them leave for private parties or meetings outside the market venue.
Las Vegas and New Orleans had their special charms and attractions, and they enabled concentration on specific points and did not encourage breaking up.
Marcel Vinay: I think we’ll have to see what happens. It’s a new venue, and Vegas worked quite well. I hope Miami will work as well.
VAI: Is NATPE still a vital market?
Michelle Wasserman: Definitely. It is the opening of the year, and it is focused mainly towards Latin buyers with moderate but interesting attendance by Asians and some Europeans.
Marcel Vinay: NATPE remains a great opportunity to meet a lot of clients.
VAI: What new product will you be bringing to the market?
Michelle Wasserman: We’ll be bringing a slate of telenovelas. Topping our list are primetime novela The One, as well as A Year To Remember, 80’s Crush, and Cain and Abel.
Marcel Vinay: TV Azteca will be bringing two new novelas that we released at MIPCOM, Running From Destiny and Between Love and Desire, which is a co-production with TV Globo. We’re also bringing action series Drowning City, which is a thriller that has already sold in 15 territories.
VAI: Is NATPE one of the most important market of the year for Telefe? If not, what is and why?
Michelle Wasserman: It is not the most important but one of the main ones. Our season starts between March and April and usually we do not have “heavy artillery” for NATPE. Our aim is to close deals we have been working on and to show some of our new programming.
VAI: What regions will TV Azteca be targeting at NATPE? Just the Latins or other regions as well?
Marchel Vinay: We’re looking at Venezuela, Peru and Ecuador, specifically, but we also have a global focus.