A few days prior to MIP-TV, VideoAge managed to get a last minute outlook from two of Germany’s largest TV contingents in Cannes. Please note that Day 3 of VideoAge Daily at MIP will be focusing on the German TV industry.
Christian Wittich, head of International Sales, Studio Hamburg
“We expect this MIP-TV to be more encouraging than last year’s MIPCOM. Business is still being influenced by the worldwide financial crisis, but both parties — buyers and sellers — are finding models of cooperation. Besides this, it’s always cheaper to buy than to produce content — that’s the opportunity for sellers.
Our focus for the market is all of Europe. But of course we use MIP as a chance to continue and renew already established business contact all over the world and start new business relationships. Thirty years of wildlife programming makes us one of the most respected suppliers of this program genre.
Patrick Elmendorff, managing director Studio 100 Media
“Studio 100 Media has an extensive library of new and existing programming which we are offering to buyers and we expect to sell our key properties into an increasing number of European markets and beyond.
MIP-TV is important for our company as it gives us the opportunity to meet with clients from all over the world. We not only have the chance to initiate and to close deals, but to present all our new programs—from development to post-production stages, and the market itself enables us to contact potential partners for future co-productions or talk to licensors regarding possible agency agreements.
At MIP we’ll continue with our sales activities, network with our existing partners, meet with new customers, establish co-production and co-financing partners for new projects and productions and pursue third-party content.”