VideoAge regularly surveys program buyers in order to better serve its readers and provide the necessary editorial tools for acquisition executives and sellers.
For this reason, during MIPCOM in Cannes next week, VideoAge will invite a large number of buyers from Latin America to its traditional breakfast meeting to review the challenges facing this particular territory and to prepare for the upcoming NATPE.
NATPE and the L.A. Screenings are Latin America’s two main markets, followed by MIPCOM, and all three present unique opportunities for Latin American TV buyers.
For years, VideoAge has recognized the Latin American potential at MIPCOM and encouraged the market organizers to pay increasing attention to this growing territory.
The Latin American selling contingent at MIPCOM has reached its maturity, with well-established companies attending annually and product that is widely appreciated worldwide. The area that needs more attention and represents the growth potential is the future of the buyers’ market. Perhaps by adding seminars and workshops specifically focused on Latin America’s programming needs and coproductions, MIPCOM may better serve their interests.
At the VideoAge breakfast meeting we’ll try to understand the buying patterns and companies’ various acquisition budgets, as well as try to determine who the major players are in Latin American TV program acquisitions.
All the information gathered at the breakfast meeting will be reported in the next day’s VideoAge MIPCOM Daily. A larger and more extensive report will be featured in our December Issue.
In the preliminary stage of our breakfast meeting, VideoAge has surveyed over 30 Latin American distribution companies, gathered information on about 50 acquisition companies and assembled a buying list of over 300 executives. It is expected that 30 of the 100 or so Latin American major TV program buyers who attend MIPCOM will participate at the VideoAge breakfast meeting which will be held in cooperation with NATPE and the Brasil TV Forum.